Workers Overview

A worker is an abstract role definition which defines a set of activities performed and artifacts owned.

Workers are typically realized by an individual, or a set of individuals working together as a team.

A project team member typically fulfills many different worker roles; just as a person can wear many 'hats', a person may play the role of many different workers.

Workers are not individuals; instead, they describe how individuals should behave in the business and what responsibilities these individuals should have.

While most workers are realized by people within the organization, people outside of the development organization play an important role: that of the stakeholder of the project or product being developed.

worker.gif (3058 bytes)

A worker, its activities, and artifacts.

Workers have a set of cohesive activities which they perform. These activities are closely related and functionally coupled, and are best performed by the same individual.

Activities are closely related to artifacts: artifacts provide the input and output for the activities, and provide the mechanism by which information is communicated between activities.

Worker Sets


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